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The Blue Madonna

The Blue Madonna

Jane Eamon writes about life...simple things about how we live. Passengers on a train, homeless men waiting for a handout, songs about falling in love, love lost and found again, memories that stay with you. Her tunes are gracefully deceptive...reminding you of a song you've heard before. You find yourself humming along. Then her lyrics surprise you. A twist of phrase, a different take on an old cliché - all leave you thinking long after the song is done. Two-time delegate to the BC Festival of the Arts and a frequent attendee at the Bill Henderson/Roy Forbes intensive songwriting workshops, Jane has pursued the craft of writing with a relentless single mindedness. In addition to her prolific song output, this passion has driven her to start a monthly critiquing circle, write a column for a local magazine, contribute articles to other magazines and co-host a popular Songwriters in the Round showcase featuring local writers. She has won awards for her songs, received honourable mention in American Songwriter magazine for her lyrics and recently, garnered a spot on the 1st Okanagan Grown CD, a contest featuring 15 of the best local songwriters. With long time partner, Gord Brush, she released a debut CD, The Blue Madonna in 2002. Comprised of 10 original songs, the CD received critical acclaim both here in Canada and the United States. The title track, the Blue Madonna held the #1 spot on the folk charts at mp3.com in Australia for 5 months. Folks who've caught Jane and Gord are always impressed with the energy and passion they bring to their music. Jane delights in sharing her inspirations and stories often with humour. Audiences leave feeling like they've spent an evening with old friends.
