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Songs About Girls

Songs About Girls

把妹有理  情歌无罪 把妹情歌保送你回本垒 全球超过两千万销售量超级天团黑眼豆豆团长个人最新大碟 菲姬、贾斯汀、小野猫、席亚拉、吹牛老爹、梅西葛蕾等天王天后幕后推手 强力收录Youtube单周最多浏览人次音乐录像带首波单曲「I Got It From My Mama」 听多了东西两岸逞凶斗狠、打打杀杀的帮派大对决后,就让这位鬼才大师will.i.am,将那深具音乐内涵的嘻哈黄金时期之概念找回来,组装各类不吹嘘的音乐元素混融调和,延伸嘻哈音乐无界限的可能性,会是跳跃感十足的Old School/Hip-Hop、复古浓郁的Funky/Soul、摇摆快意的Disco/Dance、重撃猛拍的Rock ‘N Roll,当然还有大量流行酵素。音乐,在will.i.am笔下变的生动有趣,可以变形成酷样独立个体,甚至幻化一场热闹嘉年华会! will.i.am一手打造出的黑眼豆豆音乐王国,于1998-2005年间,靠着四张专辑,惊人缔造全球超过两千万销售量,“Where Is The Love”、“Don’t Phunk With My Heart”、“My Humps”…至今仍是舞棍最爱,入列夜店国歌排行曲目。多组人马抢人抢翻天的will.i.am,除了已交出爱徒菲姬与贾斯汀、小野猫、席亚拉、吹牛老爹、梅茜葛蕾等畅销专辑之幕后监制作品,更在玛丽亚凯莉、惠妮休斯顿、麦可杰克森、小野猫主唱妮可与TLC美丽女声Chilli等即将问世全新专辑中,都有will.i.am身影出现。 经过『Lost Change』(2001)和『Must B 21』(2003)两张个人专辑洗礼后,相隔四年之久,will.i.am拱出第三张大作【Songs About Girls】,完全扛起制作、混音、撰写大任,呈现最will.i.am个人色彩,以「爱」为中心的概念新碟。开场的“Over”,架构于Funky-Soul的全面覆盖,就在陷入复古情节中尚未回神之际,转至“Heartbreaker”则淋上电气之音搭配摇摆放客声线穿绕缀饰,一股前卫时尚科技感油然而生;第一支进榜主打“I Got It From My Mama”,取样结合法国Synth-Pop团体Magazine 60之“Don Quichotte”以及爵士大师Bob James的“Take Me To The Mardi Gras”,碰撞强烈鼓撃律动,拉出派对起舞的正点音浪;热辣辣电子粗颗粒特效掩埋“The Donque Song”,邀来西岸饶舌界教父史奴比狗狗狂啸助阵;惊喜散发如同法国欢乐舞曲制造机Daft Punk的复古与新潮乐音堆栈,“Impatient”充斥现代感十足的迪斯科缤纷活力律动;吉他轻愉拨弄的“Invisible”,呈现极为动听的舒缓小品;迷离神秘的“Ain’t It Funny”,套入性感且魅惑的女声吟唱,增添些许异国色彩;“S.O.S. (Mother Nature)”则是为全球暖化现象而创作的环保救地球之歌。will.i.am秉持独特实验风格,并吞各种音源的可能性,交相擦撞绚烂鲜活旋律,发挥对音乐独到的眼光与巧思、机智风趣、异想天开、毫无约束的调调。   Boasting the best album-length production of the year, will.i.am's Songs About Girls is a tour de force of next-generation contemporary R&B, all of it devoted to girls -- girls he wants, girls he wants back, girls who are gone, girls he's glad are gone, and, of course, girls trying hard to make a living for their family as strippers. Although the trailer single, "I Got It from My Mama," had threatened to become even more obnoxious and unescapable than Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps" -- replacing Fergie's awkward come-ons with will.i.am's clumsy rapping -- it's the lone note of pandering on this record. (Perhaps another should be guest Snoop Dogg lofting the word "donque" into the popular consciousness.) Recorded everywhere from Rio to The Record Plant, Songs About Girls percolates with more innovation, enthusiasm, and excitement than contemporary work by Pharrell, Kanye West, Mark Ronson, or anyone else remotely in the same league. Fortunately, will keeps the anthemic rapping to a minimum, instead sing-speaking or pleading plaintively behind a parade of filters and emoting rather than motivating. Musically, there's all manner of technical wizardry on display, including vocoderized electronics, surprisingly acid-washed synth on "The Donque Song" (how long has it been since Snoop Dogg rapped over a 303, doctored or not), and "Get Your Money," the latter of which may be the classic tale of a stripper with a heart of gold, but, powered by a swing-house M.A.N.D.Y. sample, should provide the requisite credibility to rehabilitate the man who unleashed "humps" on the populace.


