I wrote this song about an unfulfilled love. A connection that made an incredibly strong impression on me; what got in the way was both of our existing obligations that put us in different parts of the world. We both expressed our fantasies with spending more time with each other and maybe even developing a relationship. But morning came and we realized what we had was ephemeral – it was never going to work out. Mezzanine represents the physical distance between her and I, a pre-determined barrier that separates us. Though somehow, that barrier lowered itself for one night, and for one night only – the night I met her. 我所创作的这首歌是关于一场未了的情愫。她的出现对我造成了难以置信的影响,但是,对彼此的责任感阻碍了我们,最终使我们分隔于世界的不同地方。我们都表达了对未来的憧憬:希望能有更多的时间在一起,希望能成为恋人。当清晨来临之时,我们意识到其实这一切只是暂时的,它没有结果。“mezzanine”象征着我们之间真实存在的距离,一个预先设定的障碍使我们渐行渐远。尽管如此,我们之间的障碍在那一晚消失了,只是在那一个晚上-那个我遇见她的夜晚。 福气文化 诚意乐献