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Chiaroscuro Harp

Chiaroscuro Harp

At dawn or at sunset, when the border between the luminosity and the dark get confused, it seems that every thing expresses at best its essence. With Chiaroscuro Harp I thought to the magic of these moments, when the opposites seem to meet. Floraleda Sacchi Floraleda Sacchi: Harp Guest Artists: Anaïs Vitali: Cello (tr. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14) Claudio Ferrarini: Flute (tr. 3, 7, 11, 14) Eszter Vereszki: Flute (tr. 11) Producer: Amadeus Arte Recorded and mixed by Yonathan Rukhman at P.R. Studio (Bergamo, Italy) Photos: Enzo Pifferi
