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Destined To Burn

Destined To Burn

Dark Intentions kicked off late in 2002-early in 2003 in their hometown Breda, The Netherlands. Starting out with writing songs, gradually the style of music evolved into a more modern version of 1980’s-1990’s NY hardcore with slight thrash/death metal influences, resulting in hard, heavy and compact songs. The band members come from different musical backgrounds. Bands like Testament, Slayer, Anthrax, Iron Maiden, The Haunted but also Leeway, Born From Pain, Hatebreed, Cro-Mags, Biohazard and numerous other artists all have had an influence on Dark Intention's music in one way or another. During October 2003-March 2004 the first 3-track demo "Survival Is Not An Option" was recorded DIY-style. The demo was well received and meanwhile the reviews gave the band an indication of where they stood. Playing shows throughout the country helped the band to develop their own style even further. In 2005 Dark Intentions recorded “Remorse Will Die Today” at the Artsound Studio in Belgium, a 5 track EP that got released by Pure & Simple Records. Numerous good press reviews and some 40 shows further, the quartet now is ready to launch their first full-length entitled "Destined To Burn", this time through Deity Down Records. Once again, the recordings took place at the Artsound Studio with Stefan van Neerven of Born From Pain fame in the producer's chair. The mastering job was being taken care of at Alan Douches’ West West Side Music Studio in the USA. On the new album Dark Intentions indeed have found their own style. No trends, no bullshit, just aggressive, ultra-heavy hitting songs with strong melodies that will haunt your head. "Destined To Burn" is available in stores as of June 30th of 2008. Review from http://www.concreteweb.be "This Breda based Dutch act (do not mistake for the people from Utrecht who make soundtracks, the Experimental/ Industrial Metal act from San Jose in the USA, or the Danish Death Metal act by the same name) started their activities in late 2002. In their own words, the band's members (having different backgrounds) started by writing songs, which saw a gradual evolution in style "...into a more modern version of '80s/ '90s NY Hardcore with Thrash and Death Metal influences, resulting in hard and heavy compact songs...", citing the likes of "...Testament, Slayer, Anthrax, Iron Maiden, The Haunted but also Leeway, the Cro-Mags, Biohazard and numerous other artists..." as a big influence on their music. More about the band's music later, first the continuation of its history! Between Oct. 2003 and March 2004 the band records its first 3-track demo Survival Is Not An Option, and the posictive reviews gave the band a good idea of where they were at. The shows that followed helped the band in their further musical evolution. In 2005 Dark Intentions recorded the 5 tracks (for which they travelled to the Artssound Studio in Belgium) which would be released as the Remorse Will Die Today EP through the small and utterly new Pure & Simple Records imprint. Again, reviews were positive, and the boys (singer Martijn Reurines, guitarist Theo Talboom, bassist Jakob Slob and drummer Victor Fredriks) were able to do some 40 shows in promotion of the EP. After a period of silence, which the band used to write new material, the guys returned to Artsound in late April of this year for an 8-day recordings session with producer Stefan van Neerven (formerly of Born From Pain). The recordings finished, the band was happy to find themselves getting a deal with Deity Down Records for the release of their full-length. And now for our return to the band's music. While I was listening to the album for the first time, I had this nagging feeling of being reminded of some '80s act, and during the second listening session it suddenly hit me: Amebix!, the British forerunnners of what would be known as Cust Punk (in fact, the band formed in '78 blended Hardcore Punk and Heavy Metal into an early form of Thrash Metal). Sure, that typical raw vocal style, the rude and simple-but-effective crossover mix of Hardcore and several Metal genres...that's Amebix (and the thought link actually came from me going over to the record store earlier in the week to order a recently released compilation of old Amebix material on Alternative Tentacles)all over, man! Of course, the boys are not copy-cats, because they've gotten to their current style through natural evolution...and in fact, when you start looking at the differences, you will find the song pace quite faster in the case of DI, resulting in compacter, shorter songs...but in spite of that the songs still dó create about the same atmospheres, see!? I'm sure a lot of reviewers ar gonna have their mouth full of the term "Metalcore", but personally I feel that is being used a bit too often to simplify a "job" which shoùld be far more critical than that! You can check it all out for yourself, as the band posted two songs off the 11-track album (which has a disappointingly short "length" of only just over 28 minutes – in days of old we'd call a such record a mini-album) at myspace.com/darkintentions alongside two songs off their 2005 debut EP. What with Amebix having reformed in February of this year, I see a perfect match to support them here! Now I don't go out to concerts too much anymore, but a combination of these two bands would be an evening I'd try to keep open (not always evident with the paying job I have) to witness. Well, you may have understood I've grown véry fond of this Dutch band over the couple of listening sessions I've given the album, and I'll even go as far as to put it into my year-lists...there! 98/100 Tony."
