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Holy Ghosts

Holy Ghosts

继个人首支全新单曲“High Water”发布后,迄今已累积了超百万的流媒体数据,并在88rising上传了富有创造性的个人音乐视频,Elephante带着他的第二首单曲归来,展示全新充满进化力的音色。“Holy Ghosts”是一首适合夏日日落时节的歌曲,活泼的和弦以及朗朗上口的副歌,“Holy Ghosts”是一支充满怀旧氛围的歌曲,希望事物都能回到原来的轨道。这首单曲的创作旨在接受时间只会不断向前,而事物也总会变迁。 关于Elephante Elephante通过个人的前两张EP中获得了数以亿计的流量,其中2018年发布的《Glass Mansion》更是在iTunes的美国舞曲榜单直冲一位,听众们很难忽视如Elephante这样一位充满狂野的创新意识的音乐制作人、歌手与作曲家。他将他多变的声线,旋律性的电子舞曲与流行、蓝调和其他类型的音乐融合在一起,在Billboard、RollingStone 和EDM.com收获一大波赞誉,同时在诸多大型音乐节中所造成的轰动,以及在夜店精彩的现场表演及迅速售罄的全国巡演也说明了他正备受瞩目。 在他合作混音了Mako的"Chameleon"之后,这支电子流行乐作品获得了Vents杂志等媒体的盛赞("这首歌有一种引人舞动的能量,用振奋人心的弦乐与有力的节奏将这一特质进一步发扬"),2021年有望成为Elephante 实现飞跃的一年。 Elephante,这位自小在密歇根州安阿伯市成长的音乐人,从五六岁的古典钢琴课起,他的整个童年都沉浸在音乐之中。在发现了从John Mayer到Red Hot Chili Peppers的另类、独立和主流摇滚乐后,他自学了吉他。随后,他的兴趣拓展到了嘻哈音乐,从Eminem到Dr.Dre,同时还接收了一些电子音乐的熏陶。在高中时期,这位网球健将,通过自身的技能与学业能力获得了哈佛大学"幸运"地录取,在那里进一步潜心研究电子音乐,参与开放麦克的活动表演并管理起了校园音乐工作室。当他被推荐到医学预科专业时,他很快就发现当医生并不是他想要的未来。2011年,他从哈佛大学毕业,获得了经济学学士学位,同时还辅修了音乐。 毕业后,他在洛杉矶获得了一份高薪的管理顾问工作,但没过多久,这种生活就让他疲惫了。在洛杉矶,他开始了步入音乐行业的梦想:从为Calvin Harris和The Chainsmokers到Lorde和Katy Perry这些不同艺术家创作歌曲混音,逐渐形成他独特的音乐风格,并开始努力成为一个音乐制作人。他利用每一个空闲时间制作音乐,并确定了两件事:企业的生活方式不适合他;如果他不给音乐一个真正的机会,他将永远不会原谅自己。"房间里的大象",他把目光投向舞曲领域——Elephante就这样诞生了。 2014年夏天与CAA签约,Elephante 开始了巡演,在大学演出和其他演出中表演,从remix热单到个人原创歌曲。他的第一张独立EP《I Am Elephante》(2016),以雄心勃勃的九首歌曲确立了他的个性和潜力,这张EP在Billboard热门舞蹈/电子专辑排行榜上达到了第20位的好成绩。这张专辑完美地融合了progressive house、synthpop和trap等多种音乐风格,成为了代表Elephante的一张名片。包括讲述逃避主义的"Age of Innocence" (feat.Trouze&Damon.Sharpe),描述热情关系的"Closer" (feat:Bishop),以及冲击力极强的"Sirens" (feat:Nevve),兼有向90年代的嘻哈致敬的."Hold" (feat:Jessica Jarell)。Billboard称赞其"清脆而有层次....它似乎有意违背传统的分类"。 Elephante的第二张EP《Glass Mansion》(2018)在iTunes的美国舞曲榜单上登顶第一,以跨流派的创造力和脆弱与力量兼具的充满灵魂的歌曲,缔造了超越纯粹电子音乐的精彩作品,Billboard称赞说"每一首歌曲都有自己引人注目的背景故事"。他个人也首次在《Glass Mansion》中献声。这张EP也有众多风格强烈的曲目,如展示自我怀疑的《Have It All》(feat.Nevve),自信的牛仔风格《Come Back for You》(feat.Matluck)和蓝调风格吉他主调的《No Room For .Lovers》(feat.Crystal)。 作为一个热爱现场大于录音棚的表演者,Elephante已在各大音乐节上崭露头角,如 Lollapalooza、Made in America、EDC Las Vegas、Electric Zoo、Ultra Miami、Phoenix Lights、 FVDEDin the Park和Chasing Summer等。除了他自己的全国巡演,即Glass Mansion巡演(2018)和Diamond Days巡演(2019年) ,他还进行了一系列的夜场表演,包括在Hard Rock、Hakkasan、Las. Vegas、Omnia San Diego和Wynn Las.Vegas带来的精彩演出。在疫情到来之前,他于2020年初开始的他第三次驻场演出。 “疫情带来的隔离生活提炼出了音乐中令我兴奋的东西。在没有现场演出机会的情况下,我们对于音乐的要求进一步增加。“Elephante说,他将继续写"对人们有意义"的歌曲。他认为电子舞曲与其说是一种流派,不如说是一种技术,他对于突破自我界限和观众的期望充满期待。拥有数以亿计的流媒体数据和不断增长的社交媒体追随者,很明显,Elephante,作为医学和商业世界的损失,却将是音乐世界的巨大收获。 About "Holy Ghosts" Following up the release of his first new single "High Water" which has accumulated over a million streams to date, highlighted by an innovative music video upload on the 88rising YouTube channel, Elephante returns with his second single as he continues to showcase an evolved sound. "Holy Ghosts" is the perfect song for a summertime sunsets with a catchy hook over vibey chords. “Holy Ghosts” is a song about nostalgia, and about wishing things could just go back to the way they were. Writing the song was about trying to accept that time only moves forward and things are always going to change. About Elephante Garnering hundreds of millions of streams across his two EPs, including 2018’s Glass Mansion, which shot straight to #1 on iTunes’ U.S. Dance chart, Elephante is a wildly innovative musical producer, artist and songwriter that listeners can’t help but notice. His versatile soundscapes, fusing melodic electronic dance music with pop, blues and other genres, have earned kudos from Billboard, Rolling Stone and EDM.com, and blown away live audiences at major musical festivals as well as his nightlife residencies and sold-out national tours. In the wake of his collaborative remix of Mako’s “Chameleon,” an electropop creation praised by media like Vents Magazine (“There is a thrilling dance-floor energy to this production, using uplifting strings and powerhouse drops to take it further”), 2021 promises an evolutionary leap for Elephante (pronounced like Belafonte), the nom de scène of American music artist Tim Wu. A native of in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the son of Asian immigrants, Elephante was immersed in music throughout his childhood, beginning with classical piano lessons at age five or six. Self-taught on guitar after discovering alt, indie and mainstream rock, from John Mayer to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, his musical influences broadened into hip-hop, from Eminem to Dr. Dre, as well as electronic. A competitive tennis player during high school, his skills and academic record earned him a “lucky” acceptance to Harvard, where he played tennis for two years while diving further into electronic music, playing open-mic nights and managing the campus studio. Pushed toward a sensible pre-med major, it soon became clear that being a doctor wasn’t in his future. In 2011, he graduated Harvard with a B.A. in economics and a minor in music. Landing a well-paid management consultant job in Los Angeles, it wasn’t long before alarm bells were going off in his head. Now in L.A., he had dreams of getting into the music industry: creating song remixes of diverse artists from Calvin Harris and The Chainsmokers to Lorde and Katy Perry, developing his unique sound, and learning the craft of being a producer. He spent every free hour producing music and knew two things for sure: the corporate lifestyle wasn’t for him, and he would never forgive himself if he didn’t give music a real shot. Embracing “the elephant in the room,” he set his sights on the dance music sphere – and Elephante was born. Signing with CAA in Summer 2014, Elephante began touring, playing college shows and other gigs, segueing into original songs after cutting his teeth on producing remixes. His first indie EP, I Am The Elephante (2016), established his persona and potential with an ambitious nine tracks, which peaked at #20 on the Billboard Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart. A seamless blend of progressive house, synthpop and trap – replete with epic bangers, emotional songs and groovy tracks, it served as a calling card. Singles included the soaring escapism of “Age of Innocence” (feat. Trouze and Damon Sharpe), the relationship-fueled “Closer” (feat. Bishøp), the percussive “Sirens” (feat. Nevve) and a nod to ‘90s hip-hop, “Hold” (feat. Jessica Jarrell). Billboard called it “crisp and layered… it seems to intentionally buck traditional categorization.” Elephante’s second EP, Glass Mansion (2018), reached #1 on iTunes’ U.S. Dance chart, pushing beyond pure electronic music with cross-genre creativity and soul-baring songs of frailty and strength, with Billboard lauding that “each track has its own compelling backstory.” Singing lead for the first time on the illusion-busting Glass Mansion, the EP is also distinguished by such standout tracks as the self-doubter “Have It All” (feat. Nevve), the cowboy-confidence “Come Back for You” (feat. Matluck) and the bluesy, guitar-driven “No Room For Lovers” (feat. Crystal). An engaging live performer beyond the studio, Elephante has appeared at major music festivals such as Lollapalooza, Made in America, EDC Las Vegas, Electric Zoo, Ultra Miami, Phoenix Lights, FVDED in the Park and Chasing Summer. Along with his own sold-out national tours, the Glass Mansion Tour (2018) and the Diamond Days Tour (2019), he’s also played a series of nightlife residencies, including Hard Rock, Hakkasan Las Vegas, Omnia San Diego and Wynn Las Vegas, where he began his third residency in early 2020 before the pandemic hit. “The quarantine has distilled what excites me about music. It’s really raised the bar for what’s important in a song outside a live setting,” says Elephante, who continues to embrace a mission to write songs “that mean something to people.” Viewing electronic dance music as more of a technique than a genre, he feels most excited pushing boundaries and audience expectations. With hundreds of millions of streams and an ever-growing social media following, it’s clear that the medical and business world’s loss is the music world’s enduring gain.


