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《Circus》为美国流行天后布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的第六张录音室大碟,由Jive唱片公司于2008年11月28日发行。它首次亮相在美国Billboard 200专辑排行榜的头号位置,第一周销量超过505,000份,该专辑已经成为布兰妮最大的连续畅销专辑。 《Circus》由颇具盛名的亚特兰大第一制作团队The Outsyders量身打造的第一单曲 《Womanizer》,将于22日正式派台打榜。Britney在第25界MTV录影带颁奖典礼横扫“最佳女艺人音乐录影带”“最佳流行音乐录影带”“年度最佳音乐录影带”3项重量级大奖,风头一时无俩,Jive唱片公司决定趁热打铁,顺势在Blackout之后,将Britney筹备已久的第6张录音室专辑Circus推出,而这张饱负着所有歌迷期待的大碟,也拥有着豪华至极的制作团队,其中包括有制作专辑同名歌曲《Circus》的著名音乐人Dr. Luke ,以及为布兰妮制作多众多王牌单曲的Danja,Max Martin,Bloodshy & Avant以及摇滚女神麦当娜的御用制作人Guy Sigsworth,如今女王即将归来,所有布迷火速集结,一起见证Britney重回颠峰! 2008年,美国有影响的大事可谓是不少,美国大选以及金融危机都是全世界关注的焦点,然而,在前不久公布的Yahoo以及Google年度热门搜索排名中,高居榜首的居然都是Britney Spears!数据说明一切,这位曾经红遍全球,后来因为各种事件在公众心目中形象日渐下滑的小天后如今依然是大家最关注的明星。虽然前一年在MTV音乐奖的颁奖礼上拖着臃肿身材的开场表演还被当作笑柄,但就在仅仅一年之后,同样是在那块舞台上,恢复火辣身材和演唱状态的Britney又让所有人为她鼓掌,这一次,她是三项大奖的获得者。10年前,那个穿着学生装、唱着《...Baby One More Time》的清纯女孩在这10年里经历了很多常人不敢想象的东西,10年之后,历经大那么多起起落落的Britney又站在了大家的视线中央,抛开其他的不说,她本身已经是个胜利者。 这张专辑取名叫作Circus,这个名字对于重整旗鼓的Britney Spears来说恐怕是再合适不过的了。在她的世界里,有过掌声,有过精彩,当然也有过失败时被人看热闹、喝倒彩的时候。在这个很像马戏团的世界里,有小丑,有主角,但无论你是哪个角色,能被人记住的永远是那些怀揣真功夫的人。想想在Britney这十年里,与她同时出道而影响力又能跟她比肩的女歌手有吗? 大家或许也都忘了一点,红了十年的Britney发行这张专辑时刚满27岁。无论有些人愿不愿意承认,Britney Spears都是这个时代的巨星。而在流行音乐的发展逐渐多元化和逐渐小众化之后,Britney Spears更有可能是最后一位有如此高地位的流行巨星。专辑继续了布兰妮节奏感很强的曲风。很独特的嗓音像人们证实了不管经历了多少的起起落落,无论人们曾经怎么评价她,她还是独一无二的,无可取代的布兰妮,也许已经不是当年的小甜甜了,但是现在的布兰妮却多了一份成熟的魅力。专辑中连续的几首快节奏的歌之后,听到布兰妮细腻婉转的唱my baby,突然发现现在的布兰妮身上不仅仅是有性感的力量,还有母爱的力量。 Circus is the sixth studio album by American recording artist Britney Spears. It was released on November 28, 2008, by Jive Records. Looking to transition from her "darker and more urban"[1] fifth record Blackout (2007), Spears wanted to make her next project "a little bit lighter", incorporating pop and dance-pop styles. Spears recorded the record during the summer of 2008, after her much-publicized personal struggles saw her placement under a temporary conservatorship earlier that year. As executive producers, Larry Rudolph and Teresa LaBarbera Whites enlisted collaborators including Spears' longtime colleague Max Martin and her more recent partner Danja. Upon its release, Circus received generally favorable reviews from music critics, who complimented its production but were ambivalent towards its lyrical content. It debuted atop the US Billboard 200 with first-week sales of over 505,000 copies, and topped charts in nine additional countries. The record eventually exceeded sales of 4.5 million copies and 15 million digital tracks, in doing so becoming Spears' biggest-selling consecutive album since her fourth studio album In the Zone (2003). The project was promoted through a series of television performances and Spears' fifth concert tour The Circus Starring Britney Spears. The latter generated controversy during the Australian leg after accusations of lip-syncing surfaced. Four singles were released from the album, several of which became international successes. Its lead single "Womanizer" peaked atop the US Billboard Hot 100 and registered as the largest jump to the top of the chart after debuting at number ninety-six. It became Spears's best-selling song in the country since "...Baby One More Time", and gained a Grammy Award nomination for Best Dance Recording. The second and third singles "Circus" and "If U Seek Amy" peaked at numbers three and nineteen in the country, respectively. Consequentially, Circus became Spears's second album after her debut effort ...Baby One More Time (1999) to have two top ten singles and her first to have two top five hits and three top-twenty hits in the United States along with five charting songs on the Hot 100.
