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The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming

The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming

《The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming》当仁瑞典清新音乐指标,跨越成军十年重要里程碑大碟。 首支单曲Whatever You Want在宛如Cindy Lauper名曲Time After Time的前奏引导下,女主唱Karolina的甜美轻灵嗓音交织着拍手与口哨声唱出美妙如戏的Swediah-Pop/Indie-Pop音符。 第二首单曲Heaven蛰伏着媲美Peter Bjorn & John大热作Young Folks般讨喜的跳脱Bassline与Percussion,巧妙地让丝丝巴西嘉年华气息与旋律上的感伤色彩共冶一炉而来。 第三首单曲亦是专辑标题曲The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Dreaming,在青葱Laidback曲式中流泄出Mazzy Starr般的温婉Dream-Pop音韵,让人彷佛置身不食人间烟火的音乐世外桃源。 by Tim Sendra The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming is Club 8's first album since 2003's Strangely Beautiful, and it's a welcome return. Johan Angergård was busy with Acid House Kings and the Legends, as well as helping run the Labrador label, and while these projects are all wonderful, there's something special that happens when his songcraft and musical skills are paired with Karolina Komstedt's hushed and angelic vocals. The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming is further proof of the worth of their collaboration. Angergård seems to have held onto a batch of his best songs (or working with Komstedt brings out the best in him) with a nice mix of first-rate heartbreak ballads ("Hopes and Dreams," "In the Morning"), shimmering pop songs ("Whatever You Want," "When I Come Around"), and songs that reflect Angergård's love of '80s pop ("Heaven," "Leave the North"). The arrangements are soft and sparse, incorporating strings, horns, and all manner of drum machines into a sound that is light and frithy but very rich. Best of all, it shows no signs of the heavy, almost morose feeling that crept into some of their earlier albums. While Angergård's work is impressive, the real star of the album is Komstedt. She sings with grace and warmth throughout, never singing two notes when one would suffice and hitting a perfect blend of melancholy and serenity. The album is a sunny treat for lovers of simple, sweet pop songs and ranks favorably with the group's best albums; in fact, it may be their most satisfying effort to date. Whether they stay together or if this is just a one-off, the return of Club 8 is like a midsummer's dream come true.
