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史密斯飞船/血气方刚-经典全纪录 摇滚狂焰燃烧30年 老字号摇滚天团精采最精选 双CD34首历年畅销排行金曲与稀有单曲全记录 摇滚火力淋漓展现 美酒,总是随着时间越陈越香,而Aerosmith/史密斯飞船的音乐,就像是一坛贮存30年的上等佳酿,历久弥新、醇美够味。1970年成军于波士顿的摇滚乐团Aerosmith主唱Seteven Tyler血红大口的嘶吼火喉生猛够劲,而乐团本身以蓝调摇滚为根基,并且不停的随着流行节奏脚步相互融合、创新潮流的摇滚态度更是他们狂飙驰骋摇滚乐坛30个年头的成功法则。Aerosmith不仅坐拥9张超白金专辑、7首流行单曲榜Top10、7首摇滚单曲榜冠军曲、4座葛莱美奖、多座MTV音乐录影带大奖及全美音乐奖,全球专辑销售量直逼一亿张,更光荣入选“摇滚名人殿堂”;而且依然是当今首屈一指最受欢迎的摇滚乐团之一,团员们的身材保持的比起年轻他们十多岁的小伙子还要标准。 此辑跨厂牌精选Aerosmith34首精采作品,历年畅销排行金曲、B面单曲与现场演唱录音,以原母带全新数位处理,淋漓展现Aerosmith昂扬狂飙的猛劲与浪漫抒情的摇滚魅力,绝对值得珍藏。 Aerosmith's reign as America's greatest hard-rock heroes seemed all but over at the end of the '70s, the victim of internal squabbles, drug abuse, and a cocooned, decadent environment. Set against that backdrop, their '80's label switch and resurgence--and an eventual iconic, widespread acceptance even more pervasive than during their "prime"--was initially as gratifying as it was unlikely. This double-disc, 34-track compilation of the Geffen years chronicles a not-so-young band clawing their way back to the top with a hungry frenzy that shamed many upstarts half their age. With all the high points intact (including their groundbreaking rock-rap redux of "Walk this Way" with Run D.M.C., "Rag Doll," "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)," "Love In an Elevator," "Janie's Got a Gun," "The Other Side," Cryin'" et al.), this compilation offers up the expected live extras (a handful of old hits and '90's staples), soundtrack cuts ("Deuces Are Wild" and the Doors' "Love Me Two Times") and sundry rarities (including the non-album cuts "Don't Stop" and "Can't Stop Messin'," B-side "Head First," and Japan-only "Ain't Enough")--though, sadly, no "Theme to Wayne's World." But by its waning tracks, it also documents the encroaching influences of hired-gun tunesmiths like Desmond Child and Glen Ballard, and the band's troubling tendency to hew ever closer to the middle-of-the-road as its fame burgeoned. Younger listeners may well treasure this album as a history of Aerosmith's golden years, B.D.--as in before Diane (Warren). --Jerry McCulley CD1 01 Let the Music Do the Talking 02 My Fist Your Face 03 Shame on You 04 Heart’s Done Time 05 Rag Doll 06 Dude (Looks Like a Lady)摇滚单曲榜NO.4,卖座电影“反斗智多星2”、“窈窕奶爸”插曲 07 Angel流行单曲榜NO.3,真情倾诉感人佳作 08 Hangman Jury 09 Permanent Vacation 10 Young Lust 11 The Other Side摇滚单曲榜2周冠军杰作 12 What It Takes浪漫纯情摇滚,勇夺流行单曲榜NO.9、摇滚单曲榜冠军、90年摇滚单曲榜年度总冠军 13 Monkey on My Back 14 Love in an Elevator流行单曲榜NO.5、摇滚单曲榜2周冠军曲 15 Janie’s Got a Gun控诉虐童与家庭暴力事件,跃登流行单曲榜NO.4,第33届葛莱美奖最佳摇滚团体得奖曲 16 Ain’t Enough专辑‘Pump’日本版独家收录的Bonus Track 17 Walk This Way-Run-D.M.C./Aerosmith与饶舌高手Run-DMC合作,破天荒融合饶舌与摇滚的流行单曲榜NO.10惊人钜作 CD2 01 Eat the Rich 02 Love Me Two Times翻唱Doors作品,电影“飞离航道”主题曲 03 Head First原收录于欧洲版单曲“Eat The Rich” 04 Livin’ on the Edge-Acoustic Version问鼎摇滚单曲榜9周冠军,第36届葛莱美奖最佳摇滚团体得奖作品 05 Don’t Stop 06 Can’t Stop Messin’ 07 Amazing-Orchestral Version摇滚单曲榜季军佳作 08 Cryin’蝉联摇滚单曲榜6周抒情摇滚极品 09 Crazy摇滚单曲榜No.7,第37届葛莱美奖最佳摇滚团体得奖抒情曲 10 Shut Up and Dance 11 Deuces Are Wild 12 Walk on Water 13 Blind Man 14 Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees)(live)摇滚单曲榜冠军曲,夺MTV音乐奖“最佳摇滚音乐录影带” 15 Dream On(live)掀起抒情摇滚风暴,流行单曲榜NO.6成名单曲 16 Hole in My Soul(live)超白金专辑“Nine Lives”巡回唱会录音作品 17 Sweet Emotion(live)引爆放克摇滚神采,Aerosmith现场演唱招牌闭幕曲


