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Beyond Sanctorum

Beyond Sanctorum

1991年的12月,Therion乐团录制完成了第二张的专辑 ,并於隔年发行,而这张专辑相较於上一张而言可说有相当的进步,一些新元素如键盘及女音vocal的加入,对於当时的一个Death metal团来说可谓是极少见的,而这样的改变除了一些传统的Death metal迷一时较难以接受外,金属界普遍而言都对这种新方向抱以非常肯定支持的态度,这也正是Therion未来所要走的路。 Musicians: Christofer Johnsson: Vocals, Guitar, Bass Peter Hansson: Guitar, Keyboards, Bass Oskar Forss: Drums Magnus Eklöv: Lead guitar Anna Granqvist: Vocals Fredrik Lundberg: Vocals Comments from Chris: We began to experiment with more keyboards as well as some clean male and some female singing. We found out that we wanted to add different elements to our music and in one song we even had some Persian (similar to Arabic) folk music tunes. Other Info Recorded at The Montezuma Studio 1991. Produced by Rex, Christofer and Peter. Engineered by Rex. Cover illustration by Kristian Wahlin. Demon pentagram drawing by Johan Losand. Photo, art direction and design by Mike Eriksson.
