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Blue Country Rock

Blue Country Rock

....This cd, "blue country rock", is a genuine Texas product....from the creative, unsung artistic Indians who sculpted the above pictured rock, to everyone involved in its creation, to the ideas it allures to... in Texas there is no business as unique and downhome as our music business...how fortunate we are to have these musical roots!!! ..........may politics as in Music seek harmony.......... .....the sun has powered our world since the beginning, may it one day power us.. Many thanx to the streets of Houston for the education, the Llano county river bottoms for a sweet melody, and to Herman Lehman for a glimpse of native american indian life... thanx to my friends all over Texas, the true wind beneath our wings... to Pearland High School for banning our acoustic guitar circles... thanx to Matt Theard for early on guitar instruction and insight, and to Mr. Willie Nelson the timeless teacher... God bless All!!! carl deCuir Rc & the Pirates Laffittelives@yahoo.com support new local music and book now!!! 832-648-0436
