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Music by Villa-Lobos, Granados, de Falla, Piazzolla, Jobim, Cassado … Ophélie Gaillard, violoncelle Sabine Devieilhe, soprano Toquinho, chant Sandra Rumolino, chant Cyril Garac, violon Juanjo Mosalini, bandonéon Romain Lecuyerr, contrebasse Luiz de Aquino, Rudi Flores, Emmanuel Rossfelder, guitar Sandrine Chatron, harpe Nicolas Genest, trompette Fabien Cyprien, trombone David Chupete, Florent Jodelet, Rubens Celso Lopes, Christian Paoli, percussions Gerardo Di Giusto, Gabriel Sivak, Fernando Maguna, piano Simao Alcoforado Barreira, Ana Catarina Braga, Anne-Charlotte Dupas, Clémence Issartel, Esther Lefebvre, Hugo Paiva, Laure Zaugg, violoncelle Gabriel Sivak, arrangements Available/Sortie le 7 avril 2015. Distribution: Harmonia Mundi ALVORADA or the invitation to the voyage of cellist Ophélie Gaillard and her magical cello, a musical tour from Spain to Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Cuba) featuring, in particular, the composers Villa-Lobos, Granados, Piazzolla and Jobim. In an exceptional mixture of classical pieces and arrangements of the greatest themes of this intense music, the cello sings with the bandoneon, dances with the piano, guitar or percussion, and abandons itself in amorous intimacy with the voices. ALVORADA immerses us in a sound universe where the feverish energy of the rhythms of this Hispanic and South-American music entrances us and from which a sensual nostalgia responds to a dizzying tango. All the senses are aroused when hearing these spellbinding songs and rhythms. The colour of the sun, from dawn to dusk, is found in the clever alternation of these enchanting, universal pieces. All the exceptional musicians (Sabine Devieilhe, Toquinho, Sandra Rumolino, Juanjo Mosalini, Rudi Flores, Emmanuel Rossfelder, Gabriel Sivak…) participating in the ALVORADA voyage hypnotize and fascinate us, allowing us to accompany them at every instant in the progression of this dream proposed by OPHÉLIE GAILLARD.


