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Wild At Heart

Wild At Heart

Silk Royal is thrilled to welcome back Schodt and longtime vocal collaborator Aida Fenhel for its 42nd release, "Wild At Heart." Chosen this year as the subject of Silk's 2nd annual remix contest, "Wild At Heart" received over 100 new interpretations by veteran and aspiring producers from around the globe. Although there were numerous outstanding entries, we ultimately chose three standout remixes by Toby Hedges, Blood Groove and Kikis, and Shahin and Bench. The Original Vocal Mix showcases the magical song-writing ability of Danish veteran Schodt and his long-standing Ukrainian partner Aida Fenhel. The song begins with a fluttering arp and a few other, more subtle background melodies, which effectively set the stage for a romantic and moving progressive "ballad." Aida's ethereal voice joins the mix early on as well, and she treats us with a deeply sentimental verse. Meanwhile, Schodt gives the track a buoyant rhythm, centered on a resonant bassline progression. In the main break, Aida's voice is solo'ed as she poignantly sings, "Watch me, as I fly into the sunshine, with you." Schodt follows suit with an inspired progressive breaks interlude, leading into the drop. Both artists have never sounded better, and this is yet another highlight in their brilliant careers. The first of the three remixes in the package (and the overall winner of the contest) is an absolutely breath-taking rendering by Toby Hedges, an aspiring UK-based artist with an extremely promising future. A euphoric soundscape is established early, with romantic pads and flute-tinged synths, as well as a mesmerizing delayed lead motif, which appears throughout the song. In addition, Aida's voice can be heard echoing in the background, while a beachside rhythm gives the song a triumphant, end-of-summer hop. In the main break, we are treated to the original chorus, as the sounds of ocean waves, seagulls, and other Balearic themes blissfully coalesce in the background. The jubilant new lead that emerges at this moment (and that carries into the drop) is also a release highlight. The next remix is by Blood Groove and Kikis, an exceedingly talented Latvian duo, who has been taking the progressive and deep house scenes by storm this year. Their interpretation offers a more upbeat rhythm and equally delicious groove, which give the track a true dancefloor sensibility. A layered, trance-influenced lead begins to crescendo, as stabs from Aida's vocal further decorate the soundscape. In the main break, an ecstatic and "classical" progressive trance break ensues, with a few gorgeously processed lines of Aida's vocal soaring above. A "teaser" drop builds the energy, leading into a triumphant main drop. Finally, breakthrough London-based duo Shahin and Bench, whose emotive "Viridian" recently appeared on Shingo Nakamura's "Only Silk 01" compilation, affirm their tremendous artistic talent and versatility with an exhilarating, peak-hour trance rendering. The star of the show in their take is a gut-busting bassline, which carries the first half of the track. Eventually, Aida's vocal is given additional support by a new, bell-toned lead, which greatly enhances the mid-range. In the break, another layer is added to the bassline, which transforms into a more melodic and dynamic progression.
