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Spinner (1998) remains The Whole Bolivian Army's most passionate album to date: raw, minimalist, straight up indie rock. It was the band's first with bass player Jay Perry, who steered the band toward an unabashedly passionate sound. "Spinner strikes a wonderful, all-too rare chord. It's a loud, passionate, proud work, self-aware where so many records are self-absorbed, bold where so many records are irritatingly forceful. In the early 1980s, it was acceptable for rock music to cover huge emotional and idealistic expanses. Acts like Big Country, Simple Minds, and most successfully U2 expressed a romantic vision of the world. Morals shaped a desire to experience life to the fullest. In recent years, a skewed sense of humility and an inherent cynicism about the future has shrunk many artists' dreams. T.W.B.A. shines because its songs reflect an adventurous spirit. Album producer Scott Ross makes the whole project crystal clear, guitars, vocals and drums ringing loud and proud. Dynamite stuff." -- Claude Flowers, Eastside Journal, May 1, 1998 "Here's a band that explains why the execs at Sony, etc. are always so pissed. People are going to buy Spinner, because it's so good, and fresh tasting. Support indie through the nose, go sexy vocals, go Army of 4!" -- Ben Ohmart, NZONE, Jan. 15, 1999 "From the tip of its toes to the crown of its precious little head, The Whole Bolivian Army's third album Spinner is tight, wild and a joy to listen to." -- Amy Kepferle, The Every Other Weekly, Nov. 5-18, 1998 "The Whole Bolivian Army is unafraid to stand emotionally naked in the face of current trends against wearing your heart on your sleeve. And they manage to pull it off, with both poise and ferocity. The Whole Bolivian Army's third Album, Spinner, raises the question of women displaying their breasts -- and hearts. I've savored this CD again and again. And again. The steady and challenging voice of Mary Beth Kite soars high above the mediocrity that infiltrates so much of today's modern rock landscape. Real and honest, this album is lush with feeling and metaphor. It's been a long time since I felt personally acquainted with/grateful to the creators of an album, in more than just an awestruck way." -- Kyra Kelly, The Torch, Nov. 5, 1998 "At times Spinner overreaches. But how many songs on the radio right now are as good as 'Necrodancing?' For my money, precious few." -- Robert Allen, The Rocket, May 27-June 10, 1998 ALBUM CREDITS: Mary Beth Kite, vocals, percussion; Matt Kite, guitar, vocals, piano; Jay Perry, bass; Dave Warburton, drums, percussion. Produced by Scott Ross & TWBA. Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Scott Ross at Hanzsek Audio (Seattle, WA). Cover photo courtesy of George Eastman House. Music by TWBA. Lyrics by Matt Kite. © 1998 Gargantuan Records/TWUBBA Music (ASCAP).
