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Don't Take Your Memory

Don't Take Your Memory

Songwriters can be a strange breed...and that includes Drew. He is both ridiculously simple and extremely complex; fascinated by the struggles of human emotion and the workings of the human mind. As a child, he studied these things and wrote about them in song. As a young man, he lived them, and wrote about them in song. As a slightly older (*smile*) and hopefully much wiser young man, he watches others wallow thru them...and writes about them in song. Though he has been a songwriter for years, it's only recently that he decided to take a deep breath, pull a few out of the drawer and muster up the courage to record them for others to hear. Some of his music is lighthearted to make you smile. Some, a little more serious to make you think and remember. Some of it is a little more uptempo to get your foot tapping, and some is a bit slower to make you think and remember. Some was written to help you accept and to cherish. But most of all, hopefully, to help you heal your hurts.and to enjoy. While he likes to think of himself as a "country" writer and his music generally flows in that direction, he sprinkles in a little of this and that to reach the finished product. Being an indie artist, he's not bound by the "rules" which means....he makes music he likes, whatever one may choose to call it. He has even been known to blend in a wee bit of the "big band swing" sound into his "country"..... In his own words, he's more songwriter than singer, more believer in Jesus than songwriter.... As of this writing, he has not yet obtained perfection (far from it, in fact) nor does he expect to achieve it in this lifetime, but rather looks forward to the day that perfection is bestowed upon him, (not because of his own "goodness", but rather because of the Blood of Jesus) by the Lamb, Himself. "Don't Take Your Memory" is his debut CD. He is also anxiously awaiting the release of his first gospel CD entitled "The Picture" so be sure to check back soon!!
