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Control Your Mind

Control Your Mind

A new brand Album by DJ Maca Atomix & Corpse on Fire .- for more content keep your eyes on Skull Records Inc. Lyrics Fed Up: stars within talent who just know selling their bodies misinformation of national tv fed up! those believe that just use a mask make heirself anonymous artists who don't write theirself fedup! people who lives on credit enriches banks girls who have as model f**king bimbos related harm, legal drugs, no no no faggets at the dinner time for young people died for liberty against money aginst dictatory saodies and their hates messages on the egyptian TV f**king administration f**king updater google empire who make hard law hadopi who doesn't even well securise lulz! flaners people bisounours raver pyramids destroyers young boss who follow laws and earn nothing! fat horses e-step make money could you do anything? you have got a rollex and 4X4 you think you have a succeful living? for all young people died for liberty, for young people died f**koff your politics! christianophobi, fed up islamophobi, fed up technolophobi, fed up music industry, burn up kids are united: hey! welcome to my boat just live a new day, a new hope are you ready to eat the red pill? join the blacksheeps and see all hypocrites blaow, reboot the system i do not forget we break the silence what we do? we fight for you thismake me a witch? no i'm just like true illuminatis you don't take control wake up! power on my saoul you dazzle, the human race whith your slyness the true is darkness i'm not blind, the reason is dead i feel vibration from my hate i do fear your idea with my trust kids are united expect us i shot on the food industries i hate gardians who dominate a little poney i f**k all stupid ***** who destroy our cell witch who lost their dignity f**k the police and human justice i smoke weed,i forget it, the bull****!! let's go to the darknet the last way to save my planet ho kid join my family Before I Die: i would like to see a child playing in a world without war ans pain before i die. i would like to see a woman without being dominated by religion before i die and we are powerfull we can change and they are criminals we have to stop them i would like to see a child playing in a world without war and pain before i die i would like to see animals free to live without to be killed i'm gonna fight until my last breath, before i die poverty, misery, polution, destruction genocide, pedophiles, starvation, corruptions seeds: the are letting my eyes to cry seeds fly no more lies through time fight to give a smile this face has several lifes fight to give a smile Warlog: no more lies i see too much empty face fed up of long cry i feel so much pain be chained from the inside it's always wrong everytime keep on keep on it's realy, enough for me i vomit the shame on the face ofall these sicks brain lose your feeling? never! lose your meaning ho yes, for ever! keep on keep on wake up everything our reality feeds your fiction the way has one direction now! whose could believe the past now! nobody can afford sit back keep on keep on wake up everything never! never again Big Bang Attack: les 2 pieds dans la flaque big bang attaque je dors pasla nuit sous tension sur le chemin de l'abnegation bienvenue dans la famille pirate big bang attaque pret a m'eveiller a tout instant j'ai suivie la route du lapin blanc comme un cri dans le desert comme un code de travers j'ai comme un halo au milieu de l'enfer mon syndrome s'installe dans l'atmosphere ne te cache pas, ce monde est translucide Mr Smith tiens toi tranquille desinvolte avec le sourire vendre ma liberte, plutot mourir comme des piques d'adrenaline c'est des legions entieres que je decime j'explores les mondes paralleles smaug, je vais te couper les ailes le bon sens est enterre sous terre blaow, ca me donne la gerbe j'ai fais taire le dragon a milles tetes comme un retour des guerriers tolteques comme un cri dans le desert comme une ligne de code de travers j'ai comme un halo dans l'enfer je vole dans l'atmosphere Share the World: j'ai la haine, apres le printemps de l'emprise d'Isis sur les ignorants encore une course aux petrodollars bien maquillee par balthazar j'irais au port de Sion leur rappeler la couleurs des bas-fonds encore une guerre de capitalistes on va tous finir par peter un disque we are gonne, the world sharing has come no queremos de tus billetes los conocimientos deven ser libres information libre para siempre la verda corta como un sabre we are gonne now the target is blocked, the battle explosed yeah, we are gonne, yeah the world sharing has come i want to kill the lies... Credo Revolution: incites you incites me so f**k this **** incites you incites me forever, ever revolution incites you incites me to revolution incites you incites me it makes me sick
