当前位置:首页 >> 脳の休息 究極のリラクゼーションへの旅 癒しのピアノと波の音で心と脳をリフレッシュ Journey to Ultimate Relaxation >> 歌曲列表 第1页
脳の休息 究極のリラクゼーションへの旅 癒しのピアノと波の音で心と脳をリフレッシュ Journey to Ultimate Relaxation

脳の休息 究極のリラクゼーションへの旅 癒しのピアノと波の音で心と脳をリフレッシュ Journey to Ultimate Relaxation

This album is all music created to pursue comfortable relaxation and deep sleep. The sounds and natural sounds of the waves, and the pleasant melody of the piano lead the listener to a calm state. Each song focuses on different themes such as relaxation, sleep, healing, meditation, and comfort, aiming to refresh your mind and brain and bring calm feelings and deep sleep. These music will support the relaxation time required for your daily life. Enjoy these music at night seeking a quiet time or at the beginning of a comfortable day.


