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What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come

《美梦成真》是迈克.凯曼至今最出色的配乐作品之一,甚至在我看来,它对这个动人故事的真情詮释,只怕还强过导演过於夸张浮华的视觉堆砌.其实这个故事的本身实在十分迷人,充满了感动,温柔,传奇与想像力,导演的唯美风格固然塑造出不少动人的时刻,然而如果一些景像能够处理的更收敛一些,或许那种”此景只应天上有”的瑰丽,才能真正的,令整个故事更加炫烂动人,而不是沦为令人视觉疲劳的色彩包袱。 by Jason Ankeny For reasons never made entirely clear, Ennio Morricone's completed score for the 1988 afterlife fantasy What Dreams May Come was rejected by producers just weeks prior to the film's arrival in theaters. Composer Michael Kamen was recruited to replace Morricone at the 11th hour, and for a rush job, it's a remarkably accomplished and creative work, beautifully conveying the possibilities of life after death in a manner that's neither heavy-handed nor ponderous. By turns upliftingly radiant and suffocatingly melancholy, What Dreams May Come boasts a dreamlike lyricism that successfully captures the otherness of director Vincent Ward's onscreen milieu. At the same time, however, Kamen communicates the universal emotions at the story's core, evoking love and loss with genuine compassion and sensitivity.
