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Electric Ladyland

Electric Ladyland

Electric Ladyland是Jimi Hendrix第三张,也是最后一张专集,于1968年10月16日由Reprise Record推出。作曲及制作都是Hendrix一手包办,也是Jimi电子吉它弹奏技术的最高峰,被认为是史上最佳摇滚专集之一。专集不只是以Jimi Hendrix Experience乐队名誉推出的最后一张唱片,亦是他自己监察下制作的最后一张专业录音室专集。之后两年,他余生都是尝试努力于组新乐队和灌录些新歌曲。 Electric Ladyland是Jimi Hendrix跨领域音乐天才横溢的表现。涉猎了多种音乐类型,包括的迷幻色彩(之前的1967年夏在英国推出过单曲),蓝调感吉它演绎的,新奥尔良摇滚的,史诗式录音室制作的,评论社会的"House Burning Down"等等。专集亦收录了翻唱Bob Dylan作品的,受到包括Bob Dylan自己和其它人的赞扬。还有长久以来都是电台和吉它乐手必奏曲目。 这张专辑在滚石杂志选出的500张历代最强专辑中排名第54位。 Jimi Hendrix's third and final album with the original Experience found him taking his funk and psychedelic sounds to the absolute limit. The result was not only one of the best rock albums of the era, but also Hendrix's original musical vision at its absolute apex. When revisionist rock critics refer to him as the maker of a generation's mightiest dope music, this is the album they're referring to. But Electric Ladyland is so much more than just background music for chemical intake. Kudos to engineer Eddie Kramer (who supervised the remastering of the original two-track stereo masters for this 1997 reissue on MCA) for taking Hendrix's visions of a soundscape behind his music and giving it all context, experimenting with odd mic techniques, echo, backward tape, flanging, and chorusing, all new techniques at the time, at least the way they're used here. What Hendrix sonically achieved on this record expanded the concept of what could be gotten out of a modern recording studio in much the same manner as Phil Spector had done a decade before with his Wall of Sound. As an album this influential (and as far as influencing a generation of players and beyond, this was his ultimate statement for many), the highlights speak for themselves: "Crosstown Traffic," his reinterpretation of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower," "Burning of the Midnight Lamp," the spacy "1983...(A Merman I Should Turn to Be)," and "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)," a landmark in Hendrix's playing. With this double set (now on one compact disc), Hendrix once again pushed the concept album to new horizons.
