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Christmas In The Sand (Deluxe Edition)

Christmas In The Sand (Deluxe Edition)

距离圣诞节还有两个月的时间,Colbie Caillat 就已经开始为圣诞节预热了。10月23日,Colbie推出了新专辑《Christmas in the sand》,一贯清爽愉快的曲风,把夏天的海风延续到了冬天。 《Christmas in the Sand》共收录了Colbie的12首歌,每一首都与圣诞主题有关。与专辑同名的主打曲《Christmas in the Sand》带着小女生的清新甜美,却不矫情做作,简明易懂的歌词和轻松欢乐的曲调,如同一个认识了十几年的闺蜜,在邀请你去夏威夷同她共度一个没有雪的圣诞节;《Santa baby》简直可以取代传统的家庭圣诞歌,这首朗朗上口的歌曲,正适合人们在温暖的壁炉前,一边品着圣诞特饮,一边于好友踏着慢慢的舞步;而《Baby it’s Cold Outside》采用了男女声对唱的形式,轻松诙谐的歌词讲述着一对暧昧恋人的爱情小喜剧,还有什么能比看着圣诞节里的爱情喜剧更治愈人心呢?Colbie Caillat的新专辑《Christmas in the Sand》,或将在严冬里为我们点上心里一束小小的火焰,不会烧灼,只会恰到好处地温暖我们:亲爱的,还记得夏天午后的海风吗? ——from http://www.konggu.net/HTML/2012/10/26/00101917392.html Christmas in the Sand is the first Christmas album by American singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat. The album was released on October 23, 2012 in the United States through Universal Republic Records. The album includes cover versions of Holidays songs and 4 original songs written by Caillat along with other songwriters. Produced by Ken Caillat, features collaborations with Brad Paisley, Gavin DeGraw, Justin Young and Jason Reeves. The first single "Christmas in the Sand" was released through Soundcloud on October 15, 2012 and "Merry Christmas Baby" was released on October 16, 2012, which features country music artist Brad Paisley. The album also has a deluxe edition, that was released through Target and that includes three bonus tracks. This is the last album that Caillat will release on Universal Republic Records, after this her music will be released through Republic Records.
