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Outlaws Like Me

Outlaws Like Me

长着一张痞气脸的Justin Moore,一看就是个乡村坏小子的模样。一个让我无比兴奋的乡村新人!我预示此小子在新的10年中,此小子将会大搅乡村乐坛。年仅25岁的Justin Moore就以超乎年龄的高水准和能力制作出了自己的第一张专辑,真是前途无量,让人看到无限的可能。此小子很有当年Toby Keith的范儿,但是有比Toby更霸道的演唱能力以及更大胆的表达能力和宽广的制作范围。目前这个专辑获得各种各样的评论,争议非常大,同样,能引起这么大的争议,也显示出了Justin Moore天生的乡村天王范儿和素质。因为是西部乡村男歌手,风格浓重的Justin Moore并不受乡村学院和评论界的待见,今年的乡村学院奖和乡村音乐奖则对他表现出了忽视态度,今年什么提名都没有给,但是这并不担心,我相信此小子在之后的音乐道路上,会像Garth Brooks和Toby Keith一样,让他们不得不为他侧目和重视。 (by alliangzhang@VeryCD) * * * Those looking for more neighborhood nostalgia — the kind that landed Justin Moore a hit with 2009’s “Small Town U.S.A.” — need look no further than “Redneck Side” which opens Outlaws Like Me by blending quaint, small-town imagery with tales of wild, good times — all to the rootsy tones of barn-burning fiddles, twangy Telecasters and a grinding Hammond B-3 organ. The harder rocking “My Kind of Woman” similarly solemnizes a Southern-bred significant other who is partial to tractors and trucks. Moore downshifts on the moving ballad “If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away” while keeping the sentimental yearning of yore in tact with vivid lyrical imagery of good old-fashioned country livin’ punctuated by a weepy pedal steel. He even dabbles in some old-school Southern rock with “Beer Time.” The late Charlton Heston would have loved the tune “Guns,” a twangy, new-traditional Second Amendment anthem that simmers in the sounds of minor chord-driven arena rock. (iTunes)
