Abbe May
出生于澳大利亚西海岸,迷一般的歌手Abbe May,是一个热情而又原始的表演者。她的电吉他如像冲锋枪一般射中听众的耳朵,却又让人放下所有防备亲密的与之靠近。 最新专辑《Design Desire》表现出了Abbe另一个爆发面即强烈又无比美丽。 Growing up in a Western Australian coastal country town, enigmatic artist, Abbe May, is an intense and primal live performer, capable of ‘machine gunning’ an audience with her electric guitar and then stripping it back to a disarmingly intimate delivery Her new album ‘Design Desire’ showcases a slightly more exposed side of Abbe – simultaneously heavy and delicately beautiful.
2011-07-08 2.47 MB 英语
2011-07-08 5.89 MB 英语
2008-01-01 2.96 MB 英语
2008-01-01 2.36 MB 英语
2008-01-01 997 KB 英语